Terminal Title Bar

Terminal Title Bar

The Title bar component for the terminal. It takes two children:

  1. ActionGroup - The action group for the title bar.
  2. Title - The title of the terminal.


  <TerminalTitleBar.ActionGroup />
  <TerminalTitleBar.Title />

Action Group

The action group for the title bar. It takes the following props to control the action:

  1. closeHandler - The handler function to be called when the close button is clicked.
  2. minimizeHandler - The handler function to be called when the minimize button is clicked.
  3. maximizeHandler - The handler function to be called when the maximize button is clicked.


  closeHandler={() => console.log('Close')}
  minimizeHandler={() => console.log('Minimize')}
  maximizeHandler={() => console.log('Maximize')}

You can also pass your custom action bar by using children. Default is three action buttons.


  <button onClick={() => console.log('Custom Action')}>Custom Action</button>


The title of the terminal. When no children are passed, the default value is React Terminal.


  <div>My Cusom Terminal</div>

You can also add more children to the Title Bar anywhere you want.


  <TerminalTitleBar.ActionGroup />
  <TerminalTitleBar.Title />
  <div>Extra Content</div>